
Anorak News | Laughing At Her Expanse

Laughing At Her Expanse

by | 26th, July 2004

‘WE can only imagine that OK!’s decision to put a cover picture of Jessie Wallace beside its feature ‘How To Get A Stunning Celebrity Body’ is a cruel joke on the magazine’s part.

Even the biggest strumpet can pull at

And now is not a good time for making cruel jokes at Jessie’s expense (or indeed her expanse) – the EastEnders actress is still smarting from her break-up with fiancé Dave Morgan.

So we doubt she will be amused to find that the “exclusive” article in which she pours her heart out about the split is positioned next to an advert for a new show called Perfect Man.

In the programme, Kate Marlow gives advice on relationship etiquette to a group of nine men, one of whom may or may not be Jessie’s former soulmate, PC Dave.

Kate’s tips for transforming men include dividing up household chores and giving them a list of their responsibilities, ignoring them when they’re in a bad mood and encouraging them to participate in conversations.

We also suggest asking them to stop their mates selling made-up stories to the papers…’

Posted: 26th, July 2004 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink