
Anorak News | Surf Bored

Surf Bored

by | 26th, August 2004

”IT’S hard to imagine Lady Victoria Hervey on a surfboard,’ says Hello!

Proof that Darwin was wrong

But always ready to face down a challenge, we’ve closed our eyes, rubbed our temples and conjured up an image of… well, nothing.

We tried again, this time starting small and trying to imagine the woman – who’s now in Los Angeles taking acting classes and talking to TV producers about making a show about her ‘jet-set lifestyle’ – just paddling her feet in the ocean.

But still nothing comes. There’s no image.

We try again, now really concentrating, furrowing our brow and seeing if we can imagine the good lady just touching the sand with her toes. But it’s another non-starter.

And then it dawns on us. This is the challenge that has no answer.

We can’t imagine Lady Hervey surfing because we can’t imagine her doing anything.

Truth be told, we find it hard to believe she actually even exists. Although if she didn’t, why would anyone bother making her up?

Answers in the form of a surfboard to the usual address…’

Posted: 26th, August 2004 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink