
Anorak News | Sex Toys R Us

Sex Toys R Us

by | 22nd, October 2004

‘WE read the news on the front page of the Times that the kick is the thugs’ deadly weapon of choice and wonder how long it will be before the Government tries to ban boots.

Sandra models the Jamie Theakston toy

Have you ever tried kicking someone’s head in with a pair of loafers or slippers? Don’t – it hurts.

But to boots of another sort and the news in the Guardian that the chemist of that name is in talks with Durex to stock sex toys, including vibrators and massage oils.

”It is thought to be an attempt to strengthen the store’s appeal to women, who are the biggest buyers of its health and beauty products,” it says.

It is also an attempt to cash in on a surge in demand for sex toys, helped by the popularity of TV shows like Sex And The City.

Indeed, such is the demand for vibrators and dildos that it is believed the male penis could effectively become redundant by the end of the decade.

And with Anorak’s new Star Fucka collection – a series of dildos modelled on the actual penises of some of our best-loved celebs – coming out soon, the end of the cock is in sight.’

Posted: 22nd, October 2004 | In: Uncategorized Comment | TrackBack | Permalink