
Anorak News | A Day Dream

A Day Dream

by | 23rd, November 2004

‘LINFORD Christie was quick. The Stealth Bomber is quick. Vanessa Feltz at an all-you-can-eat buffet is quick. But nothing moves faster than a celebrity romance.

‘God I miss Suzanne’

And when Darren Day is in the stalls, the other runners and their riders baulk at the contest. Tracy Shaw pulls up lame. Bookies stop taking bets.

Darren is quick…very quick. But now he’s left less a slipstream in his wake than he has a pregnant woman, and her name is Suzanne Shaw.

When Suzanne was booked to appear in OK! – to talk candidly about the “trials” of her pregnancy, “dealing with Darren being away, her fears about the birth and her marriage plans” – all was well.

She and Darren, that self-confessed “incurable romantic”, were an item. They were in love. Suzanne loved Darren “enormously” and Darren planned to be at the birth of his son and cut the cord.

The only problem was that he’d been on tour with the cast of Joseph and that meant Suzanne had not seen as much of him as she’d like.

She would have gone on the tour – “I would have been at his side every step of the way” – but, what with her being ill (those “trials”) and the sciatica she’d had throughout the whole pregnancy, she couldn’t make it.

But not to worry because Darren was dutiful. Says Suzanne: “He comes home…and he’ll fall asleep with his hands on the bump.”

Sadly, the home in question happened to be a Travelodge, while the bump was a Swedish co-star and lingerie model by the name of Cecilia Carneby.

Oh how cruel the words in OK! now look as Suzanne broke away from her baby shower to tell us how the pregnancy was meant to happen “because it has made us so strong and entirely inseparable”.

As we hear that things were just as hard for poor Darren – “he’s missed out on things like when the baby kicked for the first time”.

And as lovely, trusting, stay-at-home, ill Suzanne cooed: “Every day I love Darren a little bit more.”

And every night, Darren was in his Travelodge loving someone else a little bit more than he loved his Suzanne…’

Posted: 23rd, November 2004 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink