
Anorak News | Band On The Run

Band On The Run

by | 26th, November 2004

‘IT appears that the new initiative to beat school bullies – a load of celebrities wearing blue plastic bracelets – hasn’t been quite the success we thought it would be.

Bully for her

While the Sun pats itself on the back and reports that schoolkids are rushing to snap up the wristbands, the front page of this morning’s Mirror tells a different story.

It shows a picture of a baying mob of 40 schoolgirls surrounding a terrified 15-year-old and threatening to kill her.

Her crime, says the paper, was not to have forgotten to wear her blue anti-bullying band, but to have stolen someone else’s boyfriend.

Head teacher Pam Orchard said: “I’ve never seen anything like it. They formed a circle round her shouting and pushing and punching and kicking.

[And thereby gaining an A in both their geometry and PE GCSE modules.]

“The girl was told ‘You’re dead if you come back.’ She was absolutely petrified. It was so disgraceful I had no option but to suspend them all.”

Schools minister Stephen Twigg backed Ms Orchard’s tough stance.

And he urged her to go even further, maybe even confiscating their blue wristbands for a couple of weeks…’

Posted: 26th, November 2004 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink