
Anorak News | Going Down

Going Down

by | 19th, August 2005

‘AS anyone who’s picked up a tabloid recently will know, Den’s set to rise from his concrete grave soon, and although he’s been under the ground now for months, he’s still the Den we came to know and despise: grey, pallid skin, fishy eyes and leaving everyone feeling sick just looking at him.

‘I’ve a good mind to smack your legs!’

In fact, stick him behind the bar of the Vic and no one would even notice that he’s dead.

Sharon is determined to have her father at her wedding and even went to Spain to look for him, as Chrissie had told her that he’d fled there with a mystery woman. A week later (Spain obviously being the size of Walford), Sharon came back empty-handed but several shades of orange darker.

Sharon then called in Walford police to try and help her find him, but strangely they had better things to do than trying to look for someone who faked his own death for ten years.

Chrissie is determined to clear out of Walford as soon as possible, as soon as she’s sold the Vic. She’s forged Den’s signature on the deeds of the Vic, giving her sole ownership and as a final knife in the back, she told Sharon that Sam Mitchell was the last person to see Den alive. Poor Sam, a woman so stupid that she gave all the Mitchell businesses away for a handful of beans, is no match for Chrissie, and later this month she finds herself in very hot water indeed.

Which heralds the return of some old Walford faces (and we do mean old) – Peggy and Phil Mitchell – well, we all know how much Phil Mitchell likes sniffing round old bangers, allegedly.

Elsewhere in Walford, Demi Miller’s back after her unsuccessful attempt at turning herself into the next Pete Docherty. She and Leo were staying in a squat with six pounds to their name. So while her 14-year-old boyfriend was out selling drugs, Demi thought she’d amuse herself by shooting up. When Leo returned from a hard day’s dealing to find his girlfriend unconscious, he was convinced she’d died of a drugs overdose – so he decided to overdose himself.

Cue a very poor ‘dream sequence’ in which Leo had a vision of Demi and his daughter Aleesha surrounded by bright lights and smoke. Which is probably a premonition for when they go out to Stringfellows on the pull together in about 12 years time.

Aleesha has been returned to the Millers while Demi recovers from her overdose in hospital. The social services came round to visit Keith to make sure that Aleesha was being properly cared for, and amazingly they decided that the best place for her was in the care of her 14-year-old mother who’d nearly died of a drugs overdose and her illiterate, jobless parents. Who do the Millers think they are? Celebrity supermodels or something?

There’s more children trouble in Albert Square this week as Jane has decided that, bizarrely, she wants to have a baby with Ian Beale. Ian is thankfully less than keen to bring yet another Beale into the world, but when Jane threatened to leave him he couldn’t face the prospect of having a fifth woman walk out on him and his children, so he told her he’s get his vasectomy reversed.

Jane accompanied a nervous Ian to the fertility treatment where a nurse handed him a test tube. “We’ll need you to provide us with a sample to test your sperm count,” she told him. Well, we always knew that Ian was a bit of a tosser.’

Posted: 19th, August 2005 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink