
Anorak News | Harry’s Flame

Harry’s Flame

by | 27th, October 2005

‘THERE is a rumour gong about that Prince Harry has a tattoo on his backside.

Looks nothing like her

The Sun wonders what this mark could be, and mocks up three pictures of the Harry derriere. For the record, the Sun is of the opinion that Harry’s backside is a pinky-orange colour and not covered in fine pelt of red hair, but smooth.

On this left cheek, readers see in turn a Swastika, a pint of larger and a marijuana leaf, emblems of Harry’s life to date.

But one Sandhurst instructor believed something different lurked beneath Harry’s regulation Army pants. Was there the name of Harry’s girlfriend Chelsy printed on one cheek?

The colour sergeant wanted to find out. So, as the paper reports, as Harry paraded with his fellow recruits the instructor barked: “Cadet Wales, drop your pants and show me your backside.”

Harry, who, as the Suns says, knew nothing of this rumour was at first unsure what to do. “Are you serious?” he asked. The instructor was. “Just get them off,” he yelled. “ I want to see if it’s true.”

On page three, Nikkala, 22, from Middlesex thrills at the prospect of Harry’s naked bum. She’s no problem about losing any part of her clothing, and says she would loved to have seen “the look on his face”.

Harry’s mush might well have been as red as his hair, but he’s a soldier and that means obeying instruction. So Harry unbuckled his belt and lowered his combat trousers to his knees.

“It’s OK Wales,” said the instructor. “I’ll take your word for it.”

But should we? This has been an opportunity missed. And we fear that until Harry holidays in Faliraki, we may never see his backside in public…’

Posted: 27th, October 2005 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink