
Anorak News | Week Minded

Week Minded

by | 9th, March 2006

‘“WHAT sort of question is that to ask on a Tuesday morning?” asks Pete Doherty as he leaves Thames Magistrates’ Court in Central London.

Wednesday’s child is full of woe

Doherty had been attending a drug rehabilitation order review hearing, in which District Judge Jane McIvor praised Doherty’s “progress” in not testing positive for illegal narcotics. “His determination seems to be increasing, not decreasing,” she told all assembled.

So Doherty walks free. And, as the Mirror reports, a hack pop up to ask the singer if he is now drugs free. Doherty has no truck with such probing question about his personal life. Not on a Tuesday morning. But this was Wednesday, so perhaps the journalist who fielded the question should expect a simple “yes” or “no”.

Meanwhile, the other half of what was arguably once Britain’s most famous showbiz couple, Kate Moss, has got the needle.

Don’t panic! We know drugs can be injected intravenously – we have seen the anti-drugs campaigns on TV and read the Mail – this needle is one used in the art of acupuncture.

The Mail has a picture of Moss and, more precisely, Moss’s right ear in which two acid tab-sized plasters of some sort have been stuck.

While fashionistas rush out to stick plasters inside their own ears and so get with the trend, the Star says that the model is attending acupuncture sessions to beat her cravings for drugs.

Sue Cox, of the British Acupuncture Council, tells the Mail that the two points used on Kate’s ear are part of a five-point programme to alleviate symptoms such as stress, anxiety and depression.

We wish her well. And urge Doherty to follow suit. Appointments can be held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays – or whatever day of the week Doherty can remember…’

Posted: 9th, March 2006 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink