
Anorak News | Expressionately Yours

Expressionately Yours

by | 24th, June 2006

IS it better not to be understood than it is to be incomprehensible? Is it better to be Nikkkki and Lea, or Mikey?

Nikkki has already, as readers of Anorak are aware, given us the word “amniosity”. On hearing it we were minded of US soap operas Dallas, in particular those moments when Donna Culver Krebbs would talk about her amniocentesis test.

Whether this is what Nikki meant by amniosity we are unsure, but if she did, then Stetson hats off to her for it.

And then there is Lea. Looking at Peter and her surrogate daughter Aisleyne cosying up, Lea observed: "He’s really expressionate when he’s talking to her.”

Yeah. Expressionate. It’s not up there with amniosity but as a new word we commend Lea for her efforts. And will be listening out for it in future episodes of EastEnders.

But, of course, we have a rough idea what Lea means by expressionate. And what with this being Lea, it is a very, very rough idea.

Which perhaps makes Lea and Nikkkkkkki better than Mikey. He hasn’t made up any new words yet. But, then again, he is talking in a foreign language.

Which returns us to our original poser: is it better to be understood than it is to be incomprehensible? Is it better to be Mikey, Lea or Nikki?

Posted: 24th, June 2006 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink