
Anorak News | Angelina Jolie Takes It All

Angelina Jolie Takes It All

by | 14th, July 2006

“IT can’t get much worse for Jennifer Aniston,” says the Sun.

Well, her fabled hair could fall out while starring in a live advert for shampoo. That would be pretty bad.

So what terrible ill has befallen Jennifer? The nearby picture of Angelina Jolie provides an invaluable clue.

“Now Jolie nicks Jen’s dream job,” says the headline. And reading on we learn that Angelina is to star as Marianne, the wife of murdered American journalist Daniel Pearl, kidnapped and beheaded in Pakistan in 2002.

The film is to be called A Mighty Heart, and the lead role was to be have been Jen’s.

As the paper says, Jennifer and Brad Pitt founded their Plan B production company specifically to make this movie.

But in the divorce settlement he got ownership of it. And now he has chosen Angelina and not Jen for the part.

And Jen is less than delighted. A source tells us that what with the movie being about serious things and weighty issues, Jen hoped the part in it would win her an Oscar. Now the chance goes to Angelina.

And so long as the role demands lots of Lycra, pouting and kicking people in the face, we’re sure she’ll do just great.

Posted: 14th, July 2006 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink