
Anorak News | Seven And A Half Minutes Of Fame

Seven And A Half Minutes Of Fame

by | 30th, July 2006

His name’s Michael! Daryl Van Horne is called Michael. We know this because Davina shouted out that “MICHAEL!” was to leave the house.

There was a brief pause hear at Anorak Towers in which we wondered who the hell Michael was.

And then the hugging began and we saw that Michael was DVH.

And he was not going alone. Viral was off too. Or “SPIRAL!” as Davina announced.

There were hugs and there was much love in the house. But it was time to leave. DVH was taking his hideous stuffed cat and Viral was taking Celine Dion’s old tooth (the one he keeps in his mouth) out of the house.

Snoozie looked shocked. But then Snoozioe always looks a little surprised.

Snoozie’s face is bit like an inflated balloon. You can draw what you like on it and that’s the way it will be. Make the eyebrows high and Snoozie is surprised. Make them low and Snoozie is thinking.

Stick a pin in it and Snoozie goes wheeeee all the way to Drs Nip ‘n’ Tuck’s surgery for an implant; she returns even bigger than before, but with the exact same expression drawn across her face.

Snoozie was shocked because she had survived the public vote. It was DVH and Viral who would be going. Their fate is to share their week in the spotlight.

Davina says it is twice the fun with two evictees. But she is wrong. It is only half the allocated fifteen minutes of fame for each man.

We will forget Spiral and DVH twice as fast as we forget so many other BB contestants.

Posted: 30th, July 2006 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink