
Anorak News | Might As Well Face It

Might As Well Face It

by | 4th, August 2006

For a moment she looked almost interesting.

Was Snoozie a rare breed of wannabe who had done much in life but did not care to shout about it? Had she been in Robert Palmer’s Addicted To Love video?

While Grace makes a song and a prancing kind of dance about her life’s achievements – going to ballet classes beyond the age of 12 – and Imogen celebrates being the eternal Miss Wales, Snoozie keeps quiet.

We look at her. And we thought that no-one can be so crushingly dull. Tea must be a euphemism for something more sinister. There are hidden depth beneath that shallow exterior.

And then up pops Julia Bolino to tell us that we are wrong. Snoozie is boring.

“Lots of people claim to have been in it,” says Julia, who did appear in Palmer’s video. “Susie definitely wasn’t.”

Ho-hum. Looks like Susize is just dull. Unless, of course, the rumours are true and she WAS the woman inside the Bungle costume on TV’s Rainbow? Or the face of the Test Card girl?

Posted: 4th, August 2006 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink