
Anorak News | The Big Brother Rest Home

The Big Brother Rest Home

by | 25th, January 2007

the-big-brother-rest-home.jpgBIG Brother: 09011 32 3311.

It’s the number the Mirror wants it readers to call to vote Jo out of the Big Brother house.

But why bother? Why not just leave Jo in there with an ice-cream scoopful of mashed potato and a cup of undiluted orange squash, all sat on a tray tantalisingly out of reach?

Leave her alone. Let her rot. It will all be over soon enough. No-one gets out alive. It’s the Big Brother care home.

This is giving Jo a taste of her own medicine. As the Mail reports, Junior Health Minister Ivan Lewis has been studying the goings on in the Big Brother house and has decided that it sets a bad example.

Mr Lewis says: “That kind of behaviour is entertainment. It influences young people.”

And it influences young people to confront, bully and disrespect the elderly. And Lewis wants the elderly to be treated with respect. Respect due, granddaddy-o.

Says he: “Possibly the most powerful way we could get this message out there would be EastEnders or Coronation Street. People may say it’s shallow. I think it would be powerful.”

Tory health spokesman Stephen O’Brien is unimpressed. “For a minister to offload blame on a Big Brother, however crass, will stretch the imagination of even the most pro-Labour supporter,” says he.

But O’Brien is wrong. Lewis has touched upon a rich source of social dialogue. And things could go further. Why not a soap opera based in a rest home? Not a retirement village for resting actors – we already have The Bill for that – but a home for the decrepit and geriactric.

It would be just great. The BBC cold feature repeats in the quiet moment when medication kicks in. The geriactrics could replay scenes from Dr Kildare and Royal weddings.

And if the Government wants any staff to underfeed and abuse the inmates in Sunny Glades, then there are surely openings for Daniella, Jo and Jade.

Posted: 25th, January 2007 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink