
Anorak News | Smack The Rich

Smack The Rich

by | 10th, March 2007

farrah_fawcett.jpgDID you know that Ryan O’Neal and Farrah Fawcett’s son Redmond is in rehab?

A source tells the Enquirer: “It’s mind-blowing. At one point the kid had a $4,000-a-day heroin habit!”

That makes a change from the usual reasons supplied for a session in rehab: tired; over-emotional,; tired and over-emotional.

But here is genuine drug user. And not prescription drugs but honest-to-goodness illegal narcotics.

But there is something about his tale that nags – that amount spent sounds a lot.

And it makes us wonder: A) where 20-year-old Redmond gets that kind of cash from? B) How the source knows what Redmond spends? C) If Redmond has ever considered bartering on the price?

And just how

Posted: 10th, March 2007 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink