
Anorak News | Gordon Brown’s Private War On Benefit

Gordon Brown’s Private War On Benefit

by | 20th, June 2007

ANYONE expecting Gordon Brown to steer New Labour a little more to the left – once the arch-Thatcherite Tony Blair leaves No. 10 – will be sorely disappointed.

According to the Work and Pensions Secretary, John Hutton, the incumbent PM will go ahead with plans to put private companies and voluntary groups in charge of getting people off sickness benefits and back to work.

In a leaked copy of a speech to be given in Birmingham, Hutton will say: “I know there are some who hope the coming political transition will mean the Government goes cool on the prospect of further radical welfare reform to benefit the hardest to help. They will be disappointed.”

The Government is also pondering whether or not to allow private firms and the voluntary sector to run the ‘Pathways To Work’ scheme which offers incapacity benefit claimants help and advice on getting a job.

Not surprisingly, New Labour’s few remaining left-wing MPs aren’t happy. Nottingham South’s Alan Simpson says: “Simply shoveling public services into private pockets will not deliver any improvements to the public. Sooner or later, ministers will have to face the reality that they cannot run the welfare system like a car boot sale.”

What, are they planning to put David Dickinson in charge of it? At least he’s cheap as chips…

Private Consultants Cost Tax Payers £7.2billion

Posted: 20th, June 2007 | In: Money Comments (5) | TrackBack | Permalink