
Anorak News | Michael Bloomberg And Hillary Clinton’s Nightmare

Michael Bloomberg And Hillary Clinton’s Nightmare

by | 21st, June 2007

bloomberg.jpgJUST when it looked like Hillary was running away with the 2008 Presidential campaign New York’s short arse mayor had to go and spoil everything.

Michael Bloomberg didn’t quite throw his hat in the ring when he quit the Republican Party. But by opening the way for an independent candidacy he at least took his hat off and feinted that he was going to toss it.

This morning’s New York papers were packed with speculation. Was Bloomberg’s bid a stab in the back for Republican front-runner Rudy Giuliani who supported Bloomberg in his narrow 2001 first mayoral victory? Or was it a cunning ploy to draw away Hillary’s Democratic supporters and open up the field for the Republicans?

True, Bloomberg is an abortion-defending, gun-hating, gay rights-supporting centrist, whose potential candidacy has been described as a “nightmare” for the Democratic party. But the conspiracy theories presuppose that Bloomberg cares about offending Giuliani or helping the Republican party. His track record shows evidence of neither.

Rather, Bloomberg is a hyper-successful businessman who believes he can achieve anything he sets his mind to: Build a billion dollar company? Check. Become one of New York’s most popular/successful mayors? Check. Where has Bloomberg left to succeed?

When his second and final mayoral term ends in 2009, he’ll be 67 years old with billions in the bank. He’s already said that he intends to commit himself and his money to a life of philanthropy. But wouldn’t running the US be this overachiever’s wet dream?

So why hasn’t Bloomberg just come out with it and announced his candidacy? Anorak in New York believes it’s because Bloomberg knows his chances of winning are slim at best. Despite having a campaign war chest of $500 million, he’s outgunned by Democratic and Republican resources.

Plus, the track record for third party billionaire candidates is depressing. The failed bids of fellow richies Ross Perot and magazine owner Steve Forbes can’t be far from his mind.

Writing in the New York Post, John Podhoretz says Bloomberg’s potential campaign has four weaknesses from the outset. He’s  short (he’s 5ft 7ins), he’s wealthy, he’Jewish and he’s an independent. And that’s before anyone has started picking over his policies.

Our guess is that Bloomberg will bide his time right up until the last minute before deciding whether or not to run. After all, the mounting speculation has done nothing to tarnish his image. If anything, it’s only made him stronger.

Posted: 21st, June 2007 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink