
Anorak News | Doctors Of Death: Terrorism And The DIY NHS

Doctors Of Death: Terrorism And The DIY NHS

by | 4th, July 2007

no-smoking.jpgAS you rush out get private health care or do-it-yourself cover, shunning the NHS and its killer doctors for homemade scalpels fashioned from kitchen equipment and gardening tools, the Express orders: “FIND THE DOCTORS OF DEATH.” (Pic: The Spine)

“How many more terror cells in the NHS?” it asks. No answer is given. But it is thought there could be more, or not.

And this is to assume that brain surgeon Mohamed Asha, 26, is guilty of plotting to kill and maim.

Pictured with not a bomb but a small boy strapped to his chest, the Sun says “DR EVIL” and his lab technician wife Marwah had their baby on the NHS.

They survived the ordeal. And you can too.

Your chances of coming out of hospital alive are increased if the medic armed with rusty nail and flame thrower has taken the Hippocratic Oath or the new international Code of Medial Ethics.

The Express notes some of the pledges the doctors must make:

  • I will maintain the utmost respect for human life
  • I will maintain by all means in my power, the honour and the noble tradition of my profession
  • I will practise my profession with conscience and dignity
  • I will work at weekends for double time and nights for triple pay. In case of emergency leave a message after the beep

But the vow may not be enough, and not enough to undo another vow made to what strands for the would-be killers god.

And then there’s the fact that the bomb kit is easier and cheaper to come by then medicines.

The Mirror gives the world “THE B&Q BOMBERS”. These terrorists should not be confused with the “FLOUR BOMBERS”, the “WHITE WATER BOMBERS” and the “CARPET BOMBERS”.

Bombers fall under many headings but their ends are similar.

The news is that the gang behind the failed London bombs and the attack on Glasgow Airport bought their gas cylinders at B&Q, the DIY store.

“We have strict procedures,” says a spokesman for B&Q. Anyone buying a gas canister must give their name.

It is not known if the failed bombers gave real or false identities, although given the success of their operation, it is likely the B&Q register includes the cunning aliases Osama bin Laden, The Emir and Shergar…

Posted: 4th, July 2007 | In: Tabloids Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink