
Anorak News | Richard And Judy Fined £150,000

Richard And Judy Fined £150,000

by | 6th, July 2007

richard_judy.jpgWHERE would we be without Richard and Judy, daytime telly’s Tony and Cherie?

We all have a deep need to laugh at someone.

The phone-in scandal involving their You Say, We Pay quiz has been a high point in a dual-career already crammed full of embarrassing and entertaining gaffs. And now the premium rate services regulator Icstis has decided to slap a £150,000 on the company behind the quiz, Eckoh UK Ltd.

Eckoh have also been ordered to provide refunds to all the competitors who were affected by the dodgy phone-in shenanigans.

Yet, that still isn’t the end of the matter as Icstis has now referred the case to the broadcasting regulator Ofcom, who may well investigate the actions of the people involved in the phone-in scandal under the Broadcasting Code.

All this beats even a dreadful Ali G impersonation or an inadvertent eyeful of bra.

It’s a rip-off Judy…

Posted: 6th, July 2007 | In: Money Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink