
Anorak News | Big Brother Secret Sex Rooms

Big Brother Secret Sex Rooms

by | 5th, September 2007

breeding-big-brother.jpgA “HIDDEN room” and a Big Brother “SEX SECRET”.

The Star operates at the vanguard of investigative journalism. And it has pictures.

We can now confirm as fact that Ziggy and Chanelle have partaken in “nights of red hot lust”.

And we can say with little doubt that Davina McCall has “arranged a steamy snog between winner Brian Belo and Amanda Marchant”.

Bit Brother now operates as mating rooms, reality TV’s joy division wherein wannabes can mingle with likeminded people and produce a generation of wide-mouthed, tit-jutting screamers.

Test tubes provided…

Posted: 5th, September 2007 | In: TV & Radio Comment | TrackBack | Permalink