
Anorak News | When Cows Attack: Sussex Man Set Upon

When Cows Attack: Sussex Man Set Upon

by | 30th, October 2007

“CALIFORNIA Cows Fail Latest Emissions Test.” It was the global warming wake-up call, as told by National Geographic.

And now we read in the Guardian: “How dangerous are cows?” The Guardian reminds its readers that the domestic cow is descended from the aurochs, a beast that stood nearly 2m tall and was famed for its aggressive demeanour.”

It is either us or the cow. The cow has turned. And Inspector Chris Poole has taken the brunt of the assault.

Inspector Poole says that on a walk across the South Downs earlier this month a cow butted him in the back, forcing him to the ground, before the others joined in.

Indeed, dear readers. We too wondered why Mr Poole’s profession was worthy of note.

Was Inspector Poole on duty at the time, looking, perhaps, for badgers and badger enthusiasts taking in the splendour of the beauty spot?

No, we say. The wounds Inspector Poole carries are not the product of a badger assignation gone awry but the work of bovine hoof and tooth. Know that Mr Poole suffered bruising from his thigh to his shoulder and had cause for concern when one of his broken ribs severed an artery.

Says he: “It was unlucky the cows attacked… it is very rare but obviously it can happen.”
Watch out for the horns – if the gas doesn’t get your first…

Posted: 30th, October 2007 | In: Strange But True Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink