
Anorak News | Making A Meal of Saving Whales In Tokyo

Making A Meal of Saving Whales In Tokyo

by | 20th, November 2007

brydes_whale.JPGTHE “most delicious city on earth” is…Tokyo.

Hard luck on Sheffield, but French tyre company Michelin has exacting standards “shrouded in almost obsessive secrecy”. Better luck next time.

Readers will note that the Times’ story of food and travel is two ways towards the perfect tale. And we search for that elusive third element, the third star that will make it stand above the others.

And the Independent comes up trumps. Taka a look at what the Japanese are eating. Hard to tell, admittedly. But the Indy’s headline offers a clue: “THE SAVIOURS OF THE WHALE.” Here come the environmentalism course.

Japanese harpooners have set sail to catch whales, a source of whale meat. But the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society “will stop at nothing to protect the humpbacks”.

The SSCS has not devised a tasty whale meat alternative, a tofu-shaped Leviathan. It has taken to the seas “to head off the Japanese fleet”.

A harpoon can damage a whale, and most likely a ship and certainly the ship’s captain and crew. Activists aboard the Robert Hunt are intrepid. And non-Japanese.

The leader of the expedition is one Paul Watson, who created the SSCS, a group of what he likes to call “sea cops”.

And he is displeased that the Japanese find whale meat appetising. It is a crime the sea cops are looking to stamp out.

It is not said if Mr Watson has ever tried whale meat. Although if he cares to, we hear that Tokyo has some terrific eateries…

Posted: 20th, November 2007 | In: Broadsheets Comment | TrackBack | Permalink