
Anorak News | Jimmy Wales Accused Of Editing Wikiepdia For Money

Jimmy Wales Accused Of Editing Wikiepdia For Money

by | 12th, March 2008

WIKIPEDIA is fact upon fact upon fact of opinion. People are touchy about what it says. Jimmy Wales set it up. and now:

Wikipedia’s Jimmy Wales in donations row

The co-founder of Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales, has been accused of offering to edit an entry on the online encyclopaedia site in return for a donation.

Jeff Merkey, a former computer scientist at Novell, claims Mr Wales proposed in 2006 that, in exchange for a substantial donation from Mr Merkey, he would edit his uncomplimentary Wikipedia entry to make it more complimentary.

Mr Merkey claims he made a $US5000 (£2500) donation in 2006 and the edit history for his Wikipedia entry showed that, around the same time, changes were made to the entry after it had been wiped out completely before editors were allegedly ordered to start all over again.

Mr Merkey’s allegations were published in a statement on a Wikipedia mailing list. On the same mailing list, Mr Wales called the allegations “nonsense.”

This is all about damage to the Wikipedia brand. But you’d only mind if you thought Wikipedia was factually correct in all things. And does anyone think that?

Posted: 12th, March 2008 | In: Money Comment | TrackBack | Permalink