
Anorak News | Gay Rights For Mad Bi-Polar Bares

Gay Rights For Mad Bi-Polar Bares

by | 12th, May 2008

polar-bear-bi-polar.jpgBI-Polar disorder is this year’s manic depression. It’s the global warming of mental illnesses. German polar bears undoubtedly suffer from it. And anyone whose anyone has got it, or wants it. 

The New York Times reports:

About 5.7 million Americans over 18 have bipolar disorder … another 2.4 million have schizophrenia … The small slice of this disparate population who have chosen to share their experiences with the public liken their efforts to those of the gay-rights and similar movements of a generation ago.

Just as gay-rights activists reclaimed the word queer as a badge of honor rather than a slur, these advocates proudly call themselves mad; they say their conditions do not preclude them from productive lives.

But is it a movment. And if so, which way is it moving?

Members of the mad pride movement do not always agree on their aims and intentions.


Posted: 12th, May 2008 | In: Reviews Comments (34) | TrackBack | Permalink