
Anorak News | Global Warming: Al Gore, The Apocalyptic Visions And Tim Flannery’s Sulphur

Global Warming: Al Gore, The Apocalyptic Visions And Tim Flannery’s Sulphur

by | 20th, May 2008

global-warming.gifSUMMER’S here and the Al Goreans are making easy predictions:

“Last year,” he said, “a catastrophic storm hit Bangladesh. The year before, the strongest cyclone in more than 50 years hit China … We’re seeing the consequences that scientists have long predicted might be associated with continual global warming.”

Says Robert Robert Skidelsky:

Apocalyptic beliefs have always been part of the Christian tradition. They express the yearning for heaven on earth, when evil is destroyed and the good are saved…

The danger is that we become so infected with the apocalyptic virus that we end up creating a real catastrophe – the meltdown of our economies and lifestyles – in order to avoid an imaginary one.

The skys turn red. There cometh the stench of sulphur.

Former Australian of the Year and climate change activist Tim Flannery has come up with a novel solution to climate change, which he says could change the colour of the sky.

Professor Flannery…suggested a plan to pump sulphur into the atmosphere in order to repel the sun’s rays.

He says the process is called “solar dimming”. “It would change the colour of the sky,” he told Australian Associated Press. “It’s the last resort that we have, it’s the last barrier to a climate collapse.”

There are sceptics. In Australia:

Most people who live on the land question the link between the 11-year drought and climate change, a study by the Government’s Bureau of Rural Sciences finds. There is some denial that climate change is happening … in order to maintain hope,” the study said.

But climate change is good for business:

“Eight years ago, there were around 350 companies to choose from in this sector,” says Christie at BlackRock. “Now there are around 1,100. These companies are also growing up – a large number already have a competitive product and are profitable.”

The end of the world is profitable…



Posted: 20th, May 2008 | In: Broadsheets Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink