
Anorak News | Big Brother Lisa And Mario Feel The Buzz

Big Brother Lisa And Mario Feel The Buzz

by | 1st, September 2008

IT’S Big Brother uber milf Lisa Appleton and her Buzz Lightyear (The Middle Years) lover Mario Marconi.

Before we continue, Anorak would like to say that the world is divided into two groups: those who think people are staring at them because they are gorgeous; those who think people are staring at them because they are odd and have something stuck to their face?

Now back to the Star’s news that Lisa and Mario have been in “WIFE SWAP SECRETS”.

Lisa and Mario are not married, which makes us wonder how these wife swap secrets are manifest, and if Mario has swapped a wife for Lisa, or if Lisa – and we have our suspicions – is a husband who likes to dress like a wife?

Despite getting on like a health and safety AGM, the Star assures readers that Lisa and Mario are “the randiest stars the show has seen”.

Says monotone Lisa: “We are an erotic couple. We attract controversy… We’re very passionate.”

Says Lisa: “Wherever we go, to clubs or bars, people stare at us…. We’re a striking couple.”

Indeed, but maybe not in the way Lisa, a day-glo-clad forty something with massive false breasts and her orangey lover envisages…

Note: They do not wife swap, but some people think they could.

Posted: 1st, September 2008 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids, TV & Radio Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink