
Anorak News | Swiss Restaurant Serves Up Breast Milk In Its Sauces

Swiss Restaurant Serves Up Breast Milk In Its Sauces

by | 19th, September 2008

TO the kitchen of the Storchen restaurant, high in the Winterthur resort in darkest Switzerland.

“Try the meat stew,” says mein brave with a fat-lipped, lascivious grin. “Various soups and sauces are yummy tummy,” he adds.

All contain at least 75 per cent of mother’s milk. The calf’s mother? “No,” says he. “My mother’s.”

He goes on:

“We have all been raised on it. Why should we not include it into our diet?”

Even the Swiss cannot live on civic pride alone. Try it for the first few days, weeks, maybe months of life. But when mum is dispensing milk from her optics round the back of the sixth form bike sheds, is it not time to step back and reassess what is what?

“I first experimented with breast milk when my daughter was born.”

Ah, yes, little Veal. How is she..?

“One can cook really delicious things with it. However, it always needs to be mixed with a bit of whipped cream, in order to keep the consistency.”

Whipped cream..? Ah, ja! You mean, grandpa’s special sauce…

Posted: 19th, September 2008 | In: Strange But True Comments (15) | TrackBack | Permalink