
Anorak News | Al Gore Says Paris Hilton Will Disappear In Five Years

Al Gore Says Paris Hilton Will Disappear In Five Years

by | 15th, December 2008

AL Gore, leader of the Al Goreans, knows all. He can see into the future. On December 15th 2013 there will no ice on they poles. Fact! In 2014 Chad will be cooler than Florida. Fact!

Can it be stopped? As it happens it can be. Says Gore:

The political systems of the developed world have become sclerotic. We have to overcome the paralysis that has prevented us from acting and focus clearly and unblinkingly on this crisis rather than spending so much time on OJ Simpson, Paris Hilton and Anna Nicole Smith.”

The good news is that OJ is in jail and Anna Nicole Smith is dead.

That leaves Paris Hilton standing between us and the end of the planet.

Can she be killed in time? Will her mojito be the last cold thing on Earth? Will life on Earth become as hot as Paris says it is?

Posted: 15th, December 2008 | In: Celebrities Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink