
Anorak News | Cerrie Burnell And The Deformed Miley Cyrus, Beyonce, Phelps And Cristina Aguilera

Cerrie Burnell And The Deformed Miley Cyrus, Beyonce, Phelps And Cristina Aguilera

by | 25th, February 2009
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CERRIE Burnell, a new presenter on the CBeebies channel, is missing the lower part of her right arm. Like Miley Cyrus, Beyonce, Michael Phelps and Cristina Aguilera – and more showbiz greats – Cerrie has a deformity.

No need to look for it – she was born without. Still, mums and dads will look. On the show’s web forum:

“Is it just me, or does anyone else think the new woman presenter on CBeebies may scare the kids because of her disability?”

“My daughter is only two and notices her arm. She thinks she is hurt every day.” “How do you explain to a three-year-old child why one of the presenters has half an arm?”

“I don’t mean to make people feel uncomfortable, but why does she have to have the sleeve pulled so high up?” wrote a kindly soul. “She didn’t have to hide the arm but I think she should pull her sleeve down a bit more.”

Parent should worry less and know that non-typical body images are everywhere. You just have to look. Stare.

Nearly all celebrities are photoshopped to look “normal”. Jennifer Lopez is a size 28 (the US average). George Clooney is 3ft 4in tall. Madonna is in her 50s!

Anorak now brings you the Top Ten Images Of People As They Really Are:

10.Miley Cyrus (three hands)

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Posted: 25th, February 2009 | In: Celebrities, Photojournalism Comments (7) | TrackBack | Permalink