
Anorak News | Jade Goody’s Last Mother’s Day

Jade Goody’s Last Mother’s Day

by | 19th, March 2009

JADE Goody celebrity cancer: Anorak’s at-a-glance look at Jade Goody’s celebrity cancer with the OK! memorial, Mother’s Day cards and an up-beat Shilpa.

The Mirror: “DEAR MUMMY – Jade’s boys make a poignant card for Mother’s Day”

Jade Goody’s young sons have made her cards for Mother’s Day – touchingly unaware they may never see her alive again.

Unless they read the Mirror.

Jade’s battle has seen the nation take her to its hearts – and may also save thousands of young women’s lives by raising awareness of cervical cancer.

Yesterday, 50 campaigners handed a petition to Downing Street demanding the age for regular smear tests be lowered from 25 to 20, a crusade the courageous star has backed.

Is Jade Goody now a hero for dying?

Its leader Bob Walker, who lost daughter Claire, 23, to the disease six months ago, warmly welcomed Jade’s support and said: “I’m not worried about her celebrity status. She’s a young woman dying at such an early age and leaving two boys behind and that’s what matters. It shouldn’t have to happen to any woman.”

So it’s not about Jade, eh, Max?

Her spokesman Max Clifford added: “She was there in spirit. If she was well enough she would have been there in person. She wanted to hand the petition in herself.

“Jade has been very vocal because of what has happened to her. Her message is, ‘Don’t let what happened to me happen to you’.

Daily Star: “The family pics I m taking to my grave”

Pictures will will never see.

THIS is one happy family snap that tragic Jade Goody will take to her grave.

Apart from that one. And apart from those other ones that will appear in her cancer diary.

Daily Mirror: “Pick of the day: Wendy Richard: To Tell You The Truth, BBC1, 8pm”

She embarked on this documentary in November 2008. Her style may have been different to that of Jade Goody, but by showing the realities of her chemo she planned to be a beacon of hope to anyone watching…

Fact and fiction – can you spot the difference?

“You must never give in,” she tells Natalie Cassidy, who played her screen daughter-in-law Sonia. “You’ve got to fight.”

Her death last month left those who knew her saddened and shocked. Because, as her screen son James Alexandrou reminds her, half joking: “If I was cancer, I’d be scared of you.”

The Sun: “Fury as mag kills off battling Jade Goody”

See: OK! Pronounces Jade Goody Dead

Fury – always the fury.

Furious fans vowed to boycott OK! — and some called for the edition to be withdrawn and editor Lisa Byrne sacked…

Among angry emails to The Sun, one from Donna Morton said: “I am horrified. Heads should roll.”

It’s the OK! Taliban.

Belfast Telegraph: “Magazine defends Jade Goody tribute edition”

In a statement, the magazine said: “OK!’s tribute issue is a celebration of Jade’s amazing life.

“Jade’s family have spoken to OK! today to reiterate that they understand the tribute issue and view it as being very kind to Jade.

“They would like to also state that they are extremely grateful for the support that OK! has provided during this distressing period.”

The List: Stand-up Jay Lafferty is appearing on stage.

Despite the show title and her mention of reality TV, don’t expect much material on the celebrity currently dying before our very eyes. ‘I don’t do Jade Goody jokes and I never have, though it’s not been a conscious thing. I did take the piss out of Britney Spears’ breakdown. But especially in a solo show I wouldn’t want to upset the audience and have them walk out when I’ve still got 55 minutes to go.’

Masala: “I’m happy I couldn’t see Jade: Shilpa Shetty”

And she missed Natasha Richardson, too. How’s that for unlucky.

“I am happy in a way, I haven’t got to see her (Jade), it would’ve depressed me to no end. I always want to remember her smiling, the feisty, strong, gregarious Jade, a true trooper!” Shilpa said on her blog

Shilpa had rushed to London on Sunday to meet Jade Goody, but was unable to see the ailing star.

“In the current scenario I totally understand what the family must be going through and I respect their privacy and hope she and her family are able to cope with this pain. You are in my prayers, Jade. You are destiny’s child,” she added.

Jade Goody is not dead.

Posted: 19th, March 2009 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts Comments (26) | TrackBack | Permalink