
Anorak News | Australian Minister Offers Free Nintendo Wii For Climate Change Advice

Australian Minister Offers Free Nintendo Wii For Climate Change Advice

by | 7th, April 2009

PENNY Wong, Australia’s Climate Change Minister, is running a competition for Climate Cops:

The competition “Think Climate, Think Change,” asks students in years 3 to 9 to use short stories, poems and art work to answer the question ”what does climate change mean to me?

First prize is a trip for two to Canberra (the winner and a parent), a Nintendo Wii console, sports kit and Wii Fit pack, and books for the winner’s school.

Yeah, win electronic goods and free flights for climate change. And Penny (who wants sweets?) is wowed by the children’s interest in climate:

One of the really great things about being climate change minister is how interested in the issue so many young Australians are…

Write 200 words on what global warming means to you and you own weight in cocaine or alcopops.

Says Penny Wong:

Our government’s view is that we cannot allow the global financial crisis to weaken our determination to address the very real and long-term threat that climate change poses…

Ok, make it first-class seats and ten free games…

With climate change at the forefront of this week’s G20 Summit in London, Nintendo will be disappointed to hear that it’s once again been rated rock bottom in Greenpeace’s list of electronics manufacturers.

Spotter: Andrew Bolt; Video via The Deceiver

Posted: 7th, April 2009 | In: Politicians Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink