
Anorak News | Michael Jackson Murder: Killers Named

Michael Jackson Murder: Killers Named

by | 13th, July 2009
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LaToya Jackson MICHAEL Jackson Watch: THE Daily Star has more on the Murder of Michael Jackson  and news that his murderers have been “named”.

Just yesterday, La Toya Jackson opined:

“I am going to get down to the bottom of this. I am not going to stop until I find out who is responsible.”

Has Officer Jackson of the Reality TV Corps of policing nailed the culprits? Is she to star in a new TV cop show, Jackson PI, Jackson or the catchier Jacko, perhaps playing the chalk to Paris Jackson’s cheese?

Because you know that Paris has skills. As La Toya tells us:

La Toya says:

“I am so proud of Paris for speaking at the memorial service. When Stevie Wonder was performing she whispered to me, ‘Auntie La Toya, I want to go up there and say something about Daddy’… She wears Michael T-shirts every day and the walls of her room are covered with posters and pictures of her daddy. She still writes him letters every day, sweet lovely letters about how much she loves him.

“Her letters are brilliant. When you read them you cry. She loves the light on stage. She is always singing Daddy’s songs and she is special. She has it – the X factor.”

Bit what of Daddy Jackson who has the ex-factor? Who dunnit?

Well, Anorak cannot help but think of the final scene from Scooby Doo when a man in La Toya Jackson mask will be unmasked and beneath that mask will be a Michael Jackson mask, and beneath that mask a Janet Jackson mask.

Masks keep being peeled off until such a time when the meddling Jackson kids can perform on their own two feet and keep the Jackson brand alive.

So who dunnit? Says she:

 “If justice is not served in the courts I will name them myself.”

 Well, it was those guys with the names…

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Posted: 13th, July 2009 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts Comments (19) | TrackBack | Permalink