
Anorak News | Michael Jackson’s Demise Predicted By Ebony Magazine In 1985

Michael Jackson’s Demise Predicted By Ebony Magazine In 1985

by | 18th, July 2009

ebony-jackson-face-985MICHAEL Jackson Watch: In 1985, Ebony magazine mocked up a picture of what Michael Jackson would look like in 2000.

This is the same Ebony magazine that in 2007, produced Jackson as its cover girl.

On the left is what Jackson would look like. On the right is what he did look like.

Uncanny, we know. Although who would have predicted that tie fashion would move on so drastically?

And that is not all. The image on the left is exactly like the figure Old Mr Anorak dropped at Las Vegas airport last week on a flight to Panama.

Now read on…

Posted: 18th, July 2009 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts Comment | TrackBack | Permalink