
Anorak News | Judge Cherie Blair Goes Easy On Religious Man Who Broke Man’s Jaw And Tony Blair’s War

Judge Cherie Blair Goes Easy On Religious Man Who Broke Man’s Jaw And Tony Blair’s War

by | 4th, February 2010

81290551SHAMSO Miah, 25, of Redbridge, east London, is up before the Beak – one Cherie Booth QC. Mr Miah is accused of breaking a man’s jaw following a row in a bank queue.

Blair sits at Inner London Crown Court, listening to the story of how Miah did enter the bank in East Ham, where he met with Mohammed Furcan. They had a full and frank discussion about which of them was next in the queue.

Miah punches Mr Furcan inside the bank. He then punches Mr Furcan outside the building.

Blair listens. She rules that a suspended sentence fits the crime. Fair enough. But her reasoning is such:

“I am going to suspend this sentence for the period of two years based on the fact you are a religious person and have not been in trouble before. You are a religious man and you know this is not acceptable.”

So because you believe in God you cannot be as guilty as a man who does not believe in God, or believes in God less vehemently?

This triggers a complaint from the National Secular Society, which complains to the Office for Judicial Complaints. The NSS says Mrs Blair is unjust and discriminatory.

Mrs Blair is religious woman and we should leave her alone – she just knows. In other news:

Posted: 4th, February 2010 | In: Reviews Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink