
Anorak News | Hyperactivity And ADHT Are Product Of Genes, Absent Mums And Global Warming, Scientists Say

Hyperactivity And ADHT Are Product Of Genes, Absent Mums And Global Warming, Scientists Say

by | 30th, September 2010

DID you know that your hyperactivity child and his ADHT is a result of a mother’s absence?Researchers from the Yale University School of Medicine looked a mice removed from their mums and found increased levels of anxiety in the young craetures.

According to the science, mother’s absence during the early years of life often results in a more anxious and hyperactive personality in the child.

In other news, children who are hyperactive get the condition from their parents. It’s is genetic.

Professor Anita Thapar from the MRC Centre in Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics at Cardiff University, says:

Too often, people dismiss ADHD as being down to bad parenting or poor diet. As a clinician, it was clear to me that this was unlikely to be the case.”

So. It is genetic. the Mirror yells:

Fizzy pop and bad parenting have been cleared of any blame for children being hyperactive and fidgety.

Dr Kate Langley, who worked with Prof. Thapar on the report, adds:

ADHD is a very complex disorder which will have a number of different causes. A number of different genetic factors will be involved along with other, non-genetic factors.”

Can’t argue with the science, readers, not when there are research grants up for grabs.

Now if someone can link ADHT to global warming, the money is theirs…

Posted: 30th, September 2010 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink