
Anorak News | Twitter Wars: Ready For A Warts And All Book On Donny & Marie Osmond?

Twitter Wars: Ready For A Warts And All Book On Donny & Marie Osmond?

by | 4th, October 2010

DANNY Gans’ former manager Chip Lightman has declared war on Donny and Marie Osmond, filing a lawsuit against them and threatening to reveal the secrets of the Mormon siblings in a “tell all book.”

Lightman struck out on his Twitter account in response to the Osmonds’ announcement that they were bouncing him from his role as producer of their show at the Flamingo Hilton.

Medics Remove Donny Osmond Poster From Woman’s Vagina

Gans and his longtime friend and sidekick Lightman brought the show to the Flamingo two years ago under their Ganslight banner. The Osmonds said on September 25th that the Ganslight contract expired last week and that “we have decided not to renew that contract.

“The show will of course continue… and we hope to explore future opportunities with Chip Lightman.”

Lightman posted Friday on Twitter, a common means of communication among Las Vegas showbiz insiders, claiming there are two years left on their “commitment” and accusing Donny Osmond of “putting out false information” (he’d later accuse the brother-sister act of “contractual interference and deceitful dealings” and claim Lightman Donny told him his contract wouldn’t be renewed unless he’d take a 50 percent pay cut).

Most chilling to the “squeaky clean” Mormon Osmonds and others in Sin City circles was Lightman’s threat that he “has already been approached for a ‘TELL ALL’ BOOK.”

Lightman indicated the type of the secrets he could be prodded to spill back in December when, unprompted, he contradicted the official timeline of Gans’ untimely drug-related death on May 1, 2009, that Gans’ wife Julie had given police.

Fun Fact: Lightman tweeted on March 21st that “Donnie & Marie are a class act.”

– TB

Posted: 4th, October 2010 | In: Celebrities Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink