
Anorak News | Wayne Rooney Discovers Manchester United Fans By His Land

Wayne Rooney Discovers Manchester United Fans By His Land

by | 22nd, October 2010

WAYNE Rooney wants to move away from Manchester United and the fans are unhappy. The Sun leads with news that a “MOB” has “STORMED” Rooney’s home.

That’s stormed as in stood about outside the big gates at Chez Way and milled about with hoods pulled up over their heads and hands stuffed in pockets.

The Sun calls the Anoraks a group of “balaclava-clad Man United fans”.

Anoraks. Balaclavas. All sensible attire for any young man out and about in a chilly night. Anorak wagers that beneath the zipped up-to-the-neck tops, the men sport woggles and badges commending their work with the Cub Scout movement.

One is carrying a sign saying:

“Sign for Man City and you’re dead.”

Well, that club’s owners, Abu Dhabi Inc., do frown on extra-marital sex and should City and Wayne tour that enclave then who know what ill might befall him.

Maybe he’ll need disguise. Pull up your hood Wayne. Try to blend in…

The Women:

Jenny Thompson

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Posted: 22nd, October 2010 | In: Sports Comment | TrackBack | Permalink