
Anorak News | Chinese Man With Horn Growing From Head Saves The Rhino

Chinese Man With Horn Growing From Head Saves The Rhino

by | 6th, January 2011

HUANG Yuanfan, of China, has a  horn growing from the back of his head. He is 84.

He is same age as Hugh Hefner, whose horn is a matter of much debate and frenzied plumping.

Huang’s Horn is three inches long. It is something of a grower not a shower. It’s getting longer.

Says he:

“I tried picking at it and even filing it but nothing changed it. The horn just kept getting bigger. Doctors say they don’t know what caused it but if they try to take it off it will just come back. I try to hide it beneath a hat but if it gets much longer it will be sticking out the top.”

Much like a comedy lump on a the head of Yosemite Sam.

But Anorak has a thought. What if Mr Yuangan can be mated with Zhang Duifang, a new breed of person can be made and their horns harvested for Chinese medicines.

Save the rhino! Breed an octogenarian!

Posted: 6th, January 2011 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink