
Anorak News | Michael Jackson’s Dead Perfume On Sale Soon:

Michael Jackson’s Dead Perfume On Sale Soon:

by | 18th, January 2011

MICHAEL Jackson Inc. has launched a new perfume. To connect with Jacko, his legion of fans can open the twin vials of Ebony & Ivory and dowse themselves in a rich emollient of embalming fluids with top notes of creosote over a deep base of Ronseal. Also hints of wine gum, burnt hair, Pepsi and for that added authenticity a dash of ground monkey foot. But we are wrong. The actual scent is made from the flowers that grew in his Neverland Ranch in sun-dabbled Beverley Hills.

Now the cool kids who want to remember their idol can small of Knobcone Pine, Brittlebush, Hairy Purple Bells, Blue Dicks-Ookow, Morning Glory and maybe other native Californian species.

But how did Franck Rouas create his evocative scent? Well, he tells one and all:

“Two over-excited kids suddenly burst forward and asked me if they could borrow a pen to get an autograph from someone. I asked them whose autograph they wanted – and they shouted: ‘Michael Jackson’s family.’ I gave them the pen, along with two bottles of perfume and asked them if they could give them to Janet Jackson.”

And then:

An hour later, two bodyguards escorted Mr Rouas to meet the family – after Joseph Jackson, Michael’s father, smelt the gift.

It’s beautiful stuff. We only hope it sells and helps the surviving Jacksons struggle on in their bid to make a living…


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The London bobby's helmet is a hit with pop superstar Michael Jackson, even if his own "uniform" is rather more colourful. He tried on the local headwear when he called at Marylebone Police Station yesterday to thank the officers who have been protecting him against the enthusiasm of his own fans.

Posted: 18th, January 2011 | In: Key Posts, Music Comments (23) | TrackBack | Permalink