
Anorak News | James Franco Will Teach Class About James Franco: Trueman Show Made Real

James Franco Will Teach Class About James Franco: Trueman Show Made Real

by | 1st, February 2011

JAMES Franco is to teach us in the ways of James Franco at Columbia College Hollywood. The module is called Master Class: Editing James Franco… with James Franco.

Movieline has more on the vanity project – well, do any of your college classes contain a elipse? Although it might be post-modern and a kind of Trueman Show:

Mr. Franco’s frequent collaborator editor and Tyler Danna is teaching the course, which has been entitled Master Class: Editing James Franco…with James Franco. Mr. Franco is providing the footage—much of it from behind the scenes on short films he has directed – and the conception for the course and will speak to the students weekly via live feed (Skype) and attend class the weekly class sessions when his schedule allows. The student editors will seek to create a cinematic image of James Franco through the footage. […]

Master Class: Editing James Franco…with James Franco meets on Thursday afternoons weekly. As conceived by Mr. Franco and Mr. Danna, the class sessions themselves will be taped and be part of the final film created by the class or another project.

And how are your home movies..?

Posted: 1st, February 2011 | In: Film Comment | TrackBack | Permalink