
Anorak News | Pope Absolves Jews Of Collective Guilt Over Jesus: Roman Catholic Church’s Raping Priests Also In Clear

Pope Absolves Jews Of Collective Guilt Over Jesus: Roman Catholic Church’s Raping Priests Also In Clear

by | 3rd, March 2011

JUST as you think anti-Semitism is on trend, the Pope goes and says that Jews did not kill the Lord Jesus. Cancel the brown shirts.

In a book to be published next week, he concludes that those responsible for the crucifixion were the “Temple aristocracy” and supporters of the rebel Barabbas.

Dismissing the centuries-old interpretation of St John’s assertion that it was “the Jews” who demanded Barabbas’s release and Jesus’s execution, the pontiff asks: “How could the whole people have been present at this moment to clamour for Jesus’s death?”

Well, they can’t be. Just as the whole Catholic Church can’t be there when a child is raped in the cloisters. But that is, of course, not the Pope’s point.

And didn’t the Romans kill Jesus? And, er, if he didn’t die how could he rise for our sins? Wasn’t it all God’s will to sacrifice his son? So. Any Jews around the place were doing God’s will, so too the Romans?

Update: Had Jesus been around when the Pope was a lad, he’d have been gassed. Try wearing a crematorium on a chain around your neck for all time. It’s not easy…

Spotter: Cheryl

Posted: 3rd, March 2011 | In: Reviews Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink