
Anorak News | After The Earthquake, Haiti Gets Media Missionary Charlie Sheen

After The Earthquake, Haiti Gets Media Missionary Charlie Sheen

by | 5th, March 2011

LOOK out Haiti, Charlie Sheen is bringing his “tsunami” to a pile of crack rock rubble near you. It’s not tasteless to tie your quest for fame to human misery – it’s not like Sheen’s heading to Indonesia.

Sheen tells Access Hollywood that he;ll be travelling with Sean Penn:

“We’re going to do a couple things first and then it looks like we’re heading down (to Haiti). And I’m excited as hell because, you know, if I can bring the attention of the world down there, then clearly this tsunami keeps cresting.”

Unless his debauchery brings more trouble

Posted: 5th, March 2011 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink