
Anorak News | Royal Wedding Smug Watch: Mariella Frostrup’s Social Climbing

Royal Wedding Smug Watch: Mariella Frostrup’s Social Climbing

by | 24th, April 2011

ROYAL Wedding Smug Watch: Mariella Frostrup, the BBC television presenter, tells the Times:

“I’ve promised to climb the ‘craig’ with my kids, the biggest hill we can see from our house in Ayrshire. The only compromise is that my daughter Molly wants to see what Kate’s wearing before we set off. Seemed fair!”

Previously in Smug Watch:

Michael Mansfield: “I’ll be in a Republic [France], which hasn’t had a monarch for over 200 years … Santé.”

Morrissey:  “I am an intelligent, artistic and compassionate human being. It therefore naturally follows that my interest in ‘william and kate muddleton’ is sub minus zero”

Posted: 24th, April 2011 | In: Royal Family Comment | TrackBack | Permalink