
Anorak News | Maybe I’m Watching The Wrong Porn?

Maybe I’m Watching The Wrong Porn?

by | 31st, August 2011

THERE’S a crisis in American Porn Land: one of the actors (such an interesting name really, for what they do) has tested positive for HIV so the industry is shut down. Wads are not being shot, paycheques not earned and presumably the strip clubs and escort agencies are getting an influx of staff.

However, what rather puzzles me is this little bit in the report:

California law and federal workplace safety rules require the use of condoms for porn stars exchanging bodily fluids through sex, but the industry has largely ignored those mandates, Mr Chase said.

That bit: I wouldn’t call myself an aficionado of the genre nor particularly experienced in its consumption but as with those scientists who wanted to test the effect of porn on those young men that viewed it (they couldn’t find anyone who had never seen any to act as the control group) I’ve certainly seen my share of it.

What exchange of bodily fluids? The whole point of the art form seems to be that male bodily fluids will be sprayed on faces, chests, feet, stockings, (umm, OK, maybe more than my share of it has been consumed) just about any part of the female body other than where it gets exchanged with other bodily fluids.

In fact, the money shot is an extremely effective way of making sure that HIV doesn’t spread. So what are they talking about?

Or is there some extremely specialist and outre corner of the industry that I’ve missed, where bodily fluids meet bodily fluids in the manner of real people having sex?

Posted: 31st, August 2011 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink