
Anorak News | Daily Mail Says Deaths Of Fayz Uddin And Sara Rylance Is All About Muslims

Daily Mail Says Deaths Of Fayz Uddin And Sara Rylance Is All About Muslims

by | 27th, October 2011

FAYZ Uddin, 18, and Sara Rylance, 17, have died in Sethwick, Wet Midlands. They are the subject of the Daily’s Mail’s story:

Muslim boy and non-Muslim girl in ‘forbidden love’ relationship die after falling into canal

Not “Christian girl and non-Christian body…” Not “Teenage boy and…”. The emphasis is on “Muslim”.

The Mail’s Oliver Pickup says the pair were in a “forbidden” relationship. They died in what police call a “tragic accident”.

They “slipped” into a canal lock.

But this tragic waste of human life is being spun. The Mail explains:

The 18-year-old boy has been named locally, in the largely Bangladeshi area, as Fayz Uddin and the girl, 17, is understood to be Sara Rylance.

Is the racial make-up of the area relevant?

Sara, a non-Muslim, had recently posted on Fayz’s Facebook wall: ‘I love you babyz.’

Why not focus on what Sara was rather than what she wasn’t?

Local residents said teens were seen gathering by a section of the Birmingham Canal near Whitehouse Drive to celebrate the Hindu festival of lights Diwali with fireworks and drinking.

Hindu. Not Muslim.

A spokeswoman for West Midlands Police says:

“Police are trying to establish the circumstances surrounding the incident and we are investigating the sequence of events which led up to the deaths. At this stage it is looking like a tragic accident.”

But to the conniving Mail is looks like so much more.

Fayz’s best friend, 17-year-old Saif Ali Aamer, said: ‘Everyone is still in so much shock – his family are baffled and don’t even know exactly what happened… He was just an 18-year-old kid. I spoke to his dad who is obviously really cut up. The rest of his family are devastated.”

But Pickup has an agenda to push:

Saif said Fayz’s parents didn’t know about Sara, and she and their son had kept their relationship secret because of cultural issues.

Did her parents know? We are not told. That is considered to be an unimportant fact to the Mail.

This is journalism delivered with sideways eyes and spiteful knowing glances. It’s hideous.

Update: The Daily Telegraph is also at it, posting the story in the “Religion” category. Why? Do they have a shred of evidence that religion is to blame? (Thanks to reader Passing.)

Update 2: It’s the Daily  Star’s front-page news. But Jerry Lawton make not a single mention of the words “Muslim” and “Islam”. This is quite a change in tact from the newspaper that once supported the EDL and lambasted Muslim toilets.

Posted: 27th, October 2011 | In: Key Posts, Reviews Comments (6) | TrackBack | Permalink