
Anorak News | Morrison’s Gateshead Health And Safety Teacher Falls Off Ladder (Video)

Morrison’s Gateshead Health And Safety Teacher Falls Off Ladder (Video)

by | 8th, November 2011

HEALTH and safety instructor, Paul Kavanagh was teaching workers the correct way to use a the new ladder safety system when he fell off. Kavanagh, from Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, is employed by Morrison Facility Services. Its website states:

Your health and safety, and that of our customers, come before anything else. As a business, we won’t be happy until we have zero accidents or incidents. Each of our contracts is fully risk-assessed to anticipate the issues we might face such as asbestos, working at height or manual handling. Our staff can expect to be trained on the health and safety skills and awareness you need.

The expert ignored his own rules and climbed without a hard hat. He then let go of the ladder with his hands and fell into a neighbouring garden.

Kavanagh has now been suspended from work.

Take care out there…

Posted: 8th, November 2011 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink