
Anorak News | Islamic Cleric Warns Women Against Handling Sexy Bananas And Cucumbers

Islamic Cleric Warns Women Against Handling Sexy Bananas And Cucumbers

by | 9th, December 2011

THE unnamed Islamic cleric says that women should avoid handling cucumbers, carrots and bananas lest doing so stir “sexual thoughts”, reports El-Senousa.

The male cleric, who sees the threat of lust in all things, advises that a male related to the women, such as their a father or husband (but not cousin Ishmael nor his friend Barry), should be in sole charge of such depraved food stuffs. These items should be hidden from women, possibly out of the kitchen and under the man’s bed or in a locked briefcase behind the stack of tiles in the garage.
Of course, the cleric is wrong. Anorak can reveal that cucumbers, carrots and turnips (don’t panic – you are not alone)  are part of a Zionist plot to corrupt Muslim women. Cutting your carrot makes it Jewish.

Woman should only uses these fruit and vegetables:


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Posted: 9th, December 2011 | In: Key Posts, Strange But True Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink