
Anorak News | Ok! Is Home In The White House With Liverpool’s Steven Gerrard And Family

Ok! Is Home In The White House With Liverpool’s Steven Gerrard And Family

by | 14th, December 2011

OSCAR Wild once said that in giving us the opinions of the uneducated, journalism keeps us in touch with the ignorance of the community. That’s why we have OK! magazine. Yes, OK! magazine have added words of wisdom to that when penning (in hideous pink writing) their ‘At Home with the Gerrards’ feature this week.

Since my job is to maintain a sardonic grin and keep my pointy pen of derision firmly directed at soft penned foolery, I’d like to bring to your attention to the fact that Crissie Reeves has described her article: “As crisply executed as a formal function at the White House.” Well, that’s something for our esteemed editor to aspire to.

It’s an hell of a piece over 8 pages filled with cheesy pictures and warm up filters; yet the children Lilly, Lexie and Lourdes have no socks on. Back to their roots I guess.

I also couldn’t help but notice that all the questions Crissie posed were three times longer than the answers she received. Poor Crissie must have had to make most of the answers up because yes and no aren’t the answers her editor was expecting.

When talking about their new baby Lourdes,

OK: Who does Lourdes look like most ?

Alex: Stephen

Stephen: Alex

Anyways I’m not going to bore you to death with the rest of this ball bendering waggery so let me close with another observation. The article opens with a double page picture showing Steven Alex and the children standing by a Christmas tree. In the background there is a white grand piano. Chrissie didn’t ask who played it.

Other hightlighs are:

Naming the baby Lourdes

Stephen: …it’s classy and Madonna’s daughter has it too which is nice

On handling

Stephen: “…but with my ankle injury I couldn’t even pick her up…”

Ever the footballer, eh, He even dandles the nippers on his feet…



Posted: 14th, December 2011 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink