
Anorak News | Santa threatened with spatula by offensive Exeter cafe owner

Santa threatened with spatula by offensive Exeter cafe owner

by | 25th, December 2011

GREG Martin has p0sted a picture of Santa Claus at his Fuel in North Street, Exeter that featrues the message:  “Eat here or the old b****** gets it.” ‘It’ being a going over with a spatula.

Police have ordered Mr Martin to remove the poster. Police says the message is in breach of Section 5 of the Public Order Act 1986.

Mr Martin says:

“It was a joke. Everyone I know took it in the spirit with which it was intended. I didn’t think it was particularly controversial until the police came calling… I was told that a complaint had been made and the poster was considered to be offensive as a Section 5 offence.”

It Santa being threatened with a spatula offensive? Might it be worse? Says Mr Martin:

“I’ve put up a replacement now where the spatula is replaced with a Christmas tree…”


Chantelle Houghton approves this message…


Posted: 25th, December 2011 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink