
Anorak News | Irish garages tell Greens to feck off – petrol bombers welcome

Irish garages tell Greens to feck off – petrol bombers welcome

by | 6th, February 2012

IN Ireland, Irish Greens Party councillor Brian Meaney (yeah – the Green Meaney) is upset at advert on petrol pumps in Abbeyfeale, Limerick  telling Greens to “feck off”. Says he:

If I was a shop owner and put a sign on the window displaying a photo of the pope with a red line across his face telling Catholics to “feck” off, or a photo of a Traveller or a member of the gay community telling them to feck off, I would be quite correctly liable to prosecution, the press would rip me apart, and I doubt if the shop would do a lot of business …

It appears that there are some groups that can be publicly vilified without any fear of prosecution or media reprimand. The members of the Green Party are one such group, as the photograph shows.

If a similar advert with a picture of Gerry Adams and telling SF to feck off were put on a petrol pump it probably would invalidate the fire insurance cover for the garage.

Why are greens still using petrol?

Posted: 6th, February 2012 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink