
Anorak News | So Murdoch’s not fit to run a media company then? Why then is that company so popular?

So Murdoch’s not fit to run a media company then? Why then is that company so popular?

by | 2nd, May 2012

RUPERT Murdoch is not fit to run a media company. So says a committee of MPs:

Rupert Murdoch is “not fit” to run a multinational corporation after demonstrating “wilful blindness” in his handling of the phone-hacking affair, which killed off his company’s 168-year-old Sunday tabloid News of the World, MPs concluded today.

That’s interesting really. The idea that the man who has built the world’s largest media conglomerate isn’t the right person to run a media conglomerate.

One does rather wonder how the hell he’s been so successful  if he’s not able to do it.

But the really important point here is that the declaration runs fould of PJ O’Rourke’s point about politics and business.

When the legislators get to decide what can be bought and sold then the first thing to be bought and sold will be the legislators.

And given that our own legislators are such cheapskate maggots, willing to sell out for an approving headline in a rival paper, this doesn’t bode well for the rest of us.

If you don’t like Murdoch, his newspapers, his TV, then don’t buy it. But don’t let bloody politicians decide whether you should be allowed to buy it or not: it’s your choice, not theirs.

Posted: 2nd, May 2012 | In: Money Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink